we have a old atk-version (5.6.) and now we tried to update to vertsion 6.6.
Everything works fine, only one class has problems.
We use adminHeader and Footer for subimt button. Here is the code:
function adminHeader()
return '<form name="reserving" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'"><input type="hidden" name="atknodetype" value="reservations.reservation"><input type="hidden" name="atkaction" value="reserve">'.session_form();
function adminFooter()
$user = getUser();
$lng = $user["lng"];
return '<br><input type="submit" value="'.atkText("submit_reservation", "reservations", $lng).'"></form>';
The button in the adminFooter doesn´t work anymore! In the old Version it worked!?
Somebody an idea?