Hi, waleedijaz
You have a manual here:
http://www.achievo.org/wiki/InstallationBriefly, what you need to do is:
1 - Download Achievo
http://www.achievo.org/download/files2 - Make sure your system meets the requirements: PHP 5.2+, Mysql 5.+ Apache2.2+ (any xammp variation will suffice on this point)
3 - Connect to mysql and create an empty database named "Achievo":
$ mysql -u root --password=secret
mysql> create database Achievo;
mysql> grant create,alter,select,insert,update,delete,lock tables,
create view,drop,index
on Achievo.* to achievoadmin@localhost identified by 'secret';
mysql> quit;
4 - Untar the files in your www or htdocs folder of your server
5 - Edit the file config.inc.php and change the database connection strings and adminpassword:
$config_db["default"]["driver"] = "mysql";
$config_db["default"]["host"] = "localhost";
$config_db["default"]["db"] = "Achievo";
$config_db["default"]["user"] = "achievoadmin";
$config_db["default"]["password"] = "secret";
$config_administratorpassword = "your-password";
6 - Go to
http://yourserver/achievo/setup.php login with your admin user and run the setup
It's a wizard guided install.
7 - You can now "enjoy" achievo and its bugs unresolved since 2010 when the last patch came out!!!